Help for Residents of Peoria, IL Now Available
Sep 6, 2022
250 N Main St
Richfield, UT - 84701
Utah LIHWAP Water Bill Pay Assistance, LIHEAP, HEAT
Utah's LIHEAP is also called the Home Energy Assistance Target, or HEAT.
Utah counties covered by this location:
The HEAT Program provides year-round energy and water assistance as well as energy and water-related crisis assistance for eligible low income households throughout Utah. You may qualify for a heating benefit (Oct. - Mar.), cooling benefit (Apr. - Sept.) and water assistance when you apply for the HEAT Program.
Apply online if eligible.
Print a HEAT application and send it to your local HEAT office (address, email, and fax numbers are linked here).
Call the HEAT Program line at 1-866-205-4357.
If you need assistance applying online or emailing your HEAT application, please contact your local HEAT agency for help.
If you are in danger of shut-off, you may contact your local HEAT office for crisis assistance.
Submit HEAT Application and/or Required Documents
To submit and complete your HEAT application, please mail, email or fax ALL required documents and verifications to your local HEAT office.
Call your county HEAT program at the number below to schedule a HEAT appointment, or schedule an appointment online
Payment for late and past due water bills
Prevent disconnection of water services
Includes sewer and wastewater costs
Grant-federally funded
The LIHWAP responisble for the entire state of Utah is located in Salt Lake City
Do you have a question, Don’t hesitate to ask us we are here to help you.