Help for Residents of Peoria, IL Now Available
Sep 6, 2022
200 South Lamar St
Jackson, MS - 39201
This is the main contact for the LIHWAP program in Mississippi. You can download an application for LIHWAP water bill payment assistance on the website listed.
The Low-Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP) helps income-eligible residents maintain access to drinking water and wastewater services. This important resource provides financial assistance to eligible households in managing costs associated with:
LIHWAP is available for individuals and families who need assistance paying a current bill, have past-due water bills, had their service terminated, or received a notice indicating that their service will be terminated in the next 60 days. Households can receive the LIHWAP grants for both drinking water and for wastewater services. The funding is issued directly to the utility providers in support of families who meet income requirements.
Mississippi residents who qualify for LIHEAP Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, will also be eligible for LIHWAP Low Income Household Water Assistance Program. Applicants’ household income must be at or below 60% of the state median income to qualify for these programs.
Payment for late and past due water bills
Prevent disconnection of water services
Includes sewer and wastewater costs
Grant-federally funded
Do you have a question, Don’t hesitate to ask us we are here to help you.